October 17, 2013

UPDATE - Caroline's Arrival

Our Sweet Caroline
Sorry it has taken me a couple of weeks to get this up but, it has been a crazy couple of weeks for our family. Caroline came into our lives, Jeff started a new job at Sky West, and I have been busy with my schooling for my Bachelors program. 

Caroline Jolley came into this crazy world on September 8, 2013 at 1:02PM (1302). She was 7 lbs 4oz and 20 inches long. Our beautiful baby girl has hair and some very strong lungs. It is indescribable of the amount a love you have for someone that you gain when that baby is pushed out and put into your arms. For me (racail) it was a feeling I never want to forget and I am so happy to be a mom. The labor and delivery went better than I could have ever imaged. Jeff was right by my side the whole time and would do so much for me. He is truly my rock and strength that I could never live without. This story does not just have a smooth delivery and great ending but it has quit the story before. We will never forget the experience we went through before our sweet Caroline came into this world and we want her to know it as well. So we are typing it up and putting it here and in her book so she can always know what happened right before she came into this world.

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          On Saturday September 7, 2013, it was just like any ole Saturday. We got up cleaned the house, Jeff did some yard work and I did homework. I had a great amount of energy this day (which my sisters said you will have a lot of energy before you go into labor). It was also Jeff’s archery Deer hunt. Jeff was planning on going out later that afternoon and evening. I was planning on staying home, but after I got thinking about it, I love the deer hunt and wanted to experience some of it with him this year and I had the energy to go out so I went. J Yes I went deer hunting 39 weeks pregnant. OK I didn’t do a whole lot of hunting but sit on top of hill on the four wheeler. We went out close by mountain meadow massacre, our vehicle could have made it to the spot we were going but we decided to take the four-wheeler for something different.  I didn’t think the four-wheeler was a bad idea because it had a big seat on the back and was very comfortable. Everyone says go for a bumpy ride to go into labor. Well I did just that, just not in a car. So we get to the top of this hill where Jeff leaves me to go hike and find a deer. I just sit on this hill with some school books and doing some reading. I have a radio to be able to have Jeff let me know what is going on. Jeff has been gone about 20-30 mins when he sees a deer on the other hill across from him. So he starts hiking. He hikes all the way down the hill he’s on, and then all they back up the hill across from him to try and cut this deer off. Needless to say he was pretty tired after the hike. To listen to him tell the story you’d think he just ran up Everest.
           As he gets to the top of a hill he sees that a storm is moving in from pine valley and radio’s to me that if it starts to rain get on the 4-wheeler and get back to the car and that he would just meet me there later. I said ok will do. As a sit there for about another 20 mins or so I look to the north and see another storm moving in. Oh crap, I get on the radio to see how close Jeff is to getting the deer and let him know that from my view it looks like we are going to get pounded soon. I get everything gathered up so it does not get wet why I am driving back if it starts to rain.  I was just sitting on the 4-wheeler waiting for Jeff to let me know if he got the deer or not when it started to POUR!!! Those two storms crashed together right on top of us. I try and get the 4-wheeler started but it would not start!!! AHHH!!! I get on the radio to let Jeff know that it won’t start and to come get me. He tells me he turned the engine switch off and to make sure it is on and try it again. For me growing up on 4-wheelers, I had no idea where the engine switch was. Don’t I feel stupid! I asked Jeff what color it was, or if it was orange and he told me it was black. Nope it was orange. Anyways it was on and the 4-wheeler still would not start. I guess I should mention that we were near those big mountain power lines. Not such a great idea.  By this time I am soaking wet and the tallest thing on the mountain and lighting started to strike right around me. I had no idea what to do, I just knew I need to take some cover so I ran (or walk/waddled) really fast over to a tree and laid on the ground to get as low as I could, waiting for Jeff to get back to me.  
          While on top of this mountain, Jeff sees the lightning start to strike really close to where I’m at. So he says, “forget this stupid deer” and takes off running to try to get back to where I am. Now he’s already really tired from the hike and once again, to listen to him tell it, to get back to me he ran across Egypt, did a back flip over the Nile and single handedly took on an army of Spartans…he likes to stretch the truth a little.  Now this lightning was getting really scary. It was striking within just a few hundred yards every 30 seconds. The place I decided to take cover I began to realize was starting to pool up and I was getting soaked! Finally after what seemed like an eternity (it was really only about 20 minutes), I saw Jeff running up the trail toward me. He looked exhausted but happy that I was ok. Once he reached me he began to dry heave because he was so tired. He also tried starting the four wheeler but to no avail. It seemed like a dead battery. So our only option was to make the mile or so journey back to the car. Unfortunately, the road back was directly underneath these giant cross country power lines and the lightning was still hitting all around us. The safest option was to try and get back going cross country. We made our way to the side of the hill so we wouldn’t be up so high. So there I am, 39 weeks pregnant trying to walk diagonally across this hill, my balance isn’t great, I’m soaking wet, Jeff is trying to move as fast as he thinks I can, but we really aren’t moving all that quickly. As we’re going, there is a sudden flash of light just yards away from Jeff and I. I feel Jeff shove be into the nearest bush and yell “get down!” There was no hesitation of the loudest thunder I have ever heard after the strike of lightning. It was so close that Jeff later told me that he could feel the heat from the bolt as he pushed me into the bushes. As we were lying in the bushes Jeff said, “let’s say a prayer and ask for protection.” I was so scared that I knew that was the best idea Jeff had!
          Once we reached a spot where Jeff decided I would be safe. He told me to stay put and that he could run to the vehicle and be back to get me faster than we could make it there together. I was nervous for him but off he went. I sat there in the spot where Jeff left me I started sing primary song to get my mind off the crazy lighting and thunder going on around me. Sure enough, no more than ten minutes later I hear the car coming up the road and stop just above where I’m at. Jeff yells to me and I yell back to tell him I’m still ok. He comes down, grabs me, and leads me back to the car. I have never been so happy to be back in the safety of a vehicle in my life. He drives us up to the top of the hill where we push the four -wheeler back onto the trailer and head back off the mountain for home.
          On our way home I started to have some contractions which I did not think much about because I had been having them off and on for a couple of weeks. Once we got home, I got in a nice warm shower and got some dinner and went to bed at like 11pm. I then woke up to some bigger contraction about 1AM and don’t know if they are labor contractions or just Braxton hicks. So I get up and call my mom about 1:30AM and ask her what labor pains/contractions feel like. She said they were in her lower back. My lower back is not where my contractions were, mine were in my hips and on my pelvic floor. So at 2am, I decided to call the hospital because I did not want to go in and be there forever before real labor started. Well they told me to just stay home, take a nice bath, time the contractions and get some sleep. Yeah right? Sleep? But I did try. My contractions stayed about 5-8 min. apart for the next three hours. So three hours, two warm baths, and not a whole lot of sleep later, we headed to the hospital at 5AM. We did not make it very far before we came back home. I got sick about 4 miles away from home and threw up all over the car door as I tried to open it and throw up outside. So we turned around and came home to clean me up and the car. We head back to the hospital about 530. We get there and they brought me back to be monitored for an hour before they would let us know for sure if the baby was coming. I was still really nauseas and wanting to keep throwing up for that hour. When she measured me at 6AM I was at a 4 and then an hour later I was at a 5. So they said let me call your doctor and find out what he thinks. And then they came back and said let’s have a baby today! YAY!! We were so excited but worried at the same time J Jeff and I both had to teach in church that morning and so we had to call and make arrangements for that. Thanks to so many people who were understanding and helpful.
          At this point we had to wait for our delivery room to get ready so we call our families. I called my mom and dad who were already up and getting ready to head down. It was probably because I was calling them all night J Sorry mom and dad. Thanks for helping me though. And Jeff called his mom and dad. Then we texted our siblings, to let them know what was going on and that we would keep them posted. When we got moved, I receive the joys of getting poked and monitored once again. They took my blood, gave me and IV, and taught Jeff how to help with my contractions and labor pain, until I could get my Epidural. I lasted until about 800 and then I wanted the pain gone so I could maybe get some sleep before I started pushing. They gave that to me, and from there I was like in heaven. I could enjoy family being around, and getting some shut eye.... (As much as you can get in a hospital) ;) From here it goes on like a normal birth… or what I sum to be normal J I laid there while my parents and Jeff’s mom talk (his dad was teaching Jeff’s Lesson) and Jeff watched football and got some shuteye. My doctor came in about 1030ish to let me know that he has to leave the hospital because his daughter is leaving on her mission on Tuesday and is giving her Farewell talk at 11. He said he will try and make it back and to not worry that they have another doctor to cover for him if he is not. So then he broke my water and he was off. We continued to just hang out and rest up before we would no longer rest!! At about 12ish my nurse comes in to check where I am at. I am at a ten, and she says let’s get you ready and your doctor should be back within the next hour and we will be ready. Sure enough by the time they get me ready to go and tell me what to do, as well as Jeff. My doctor walks in, Shirt and tie, puts on the gown and say k here we go. I did what they told me and I had my little girl out in out 4 sets of 3 pushes.
          OH MY GOSH!! The amazing feeling it is to hold your baby for the first time is unbelievable and indescribable. I would not change it for the world and hope to never, EVER forget it. Even though I got really nervous during everything throughout this day about becoming a mom and having everything ready, I am sure glad to remember that nobody is perfect, things may be forgotten, and to not sweat the small stuff everything will be just fine. When I was able to remember this, I was a much better person and can just remember everything that went on this LOVEY day and enjoy the moments we had as a new little family of 3. 

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These are pictures i took. so don't  judge
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May 14, 2013

Pregnancy Updates!

Ok So yes I said I would update more, but I didn't! My bad! I have been busy trying to get my home back in order after being in a intense program for two year. I had let things build up and get out of place and with the baby coming, Hey what not a better time to get things done. I am also starting summer school in a week so I have been taking advantage of my days off, just relaxing, reading books, and enjoying time for myself. (which is probably not the best. More on that later) So for pregnancy updates since I last update I was 15 weeks and had no idea what we were having or anything. Well April 4th 2013 (16.5 Weeks) came around and I was excited all day to find out what our little bundle of joy was going to be. and well.... Drum roll please.... ITS A GIRL! YAY! Yeah i know what most of you are thinking, the Bradshaw girls are having another girl? big surprise huh? But We are so excited to have this little daughter of heavenly father's join our home.  We have a name and everything, we have started buying some outfits, not many cause I will probably get a ton of hand me downs as well lots from family and friends. 

We have also been looking for cribs, and bedding sets. We have found a bedding set that we, ok i, love, and well my amazing brother in law is going to make our crib. I was very nervous about asking him because I didn't want him to feel pressured about making the crib but at the same time I really really wanted one like my sisters. And well like I said, I have an amazing brother in law and he is going to make it!! YAY! oh man it made my day knowing that he would make it and that i know it will be a good quality that will last a life time. :) I am so full of joy and gratitude towards my amazing talented family and that they are all willing to share there talents with us. 

So now up to week 18 and 19. Not much has changed other then me getting a belly. I am a tummy sleeper and so most of you can tell already that I have had a hard time getting to sleep or "comfortable." I think you will have to ask Jeff about that because I think i bother him cause i just sit and toss and turn and toss and turn till i get so tired that i just finally fall asleep.  I had not really felt her move at this point, and my sister said that was normal for us, and it was when I when back to my doctors appointment. The only reason why i was so nervous is that many people kept asking me and I just kept saying not yet and they would seem really surprised. 

Well going to my doctors appointment on May 2,  so about 20 and 1/2 weeks it was our big ultrasound when they do all the measurement and such. This was the first time going by myself because Jeff was unable to take off work and well we need the money so i was ok going by myself. Our little angle was doing great and is growing strong and fast. She was measuring a week ahead and her femur was measuring another week ahead of that. So yes we are probably going to have a tall little girl! This appointment was great until I was laying there and and started to get really dizzy and hot. The ultrasound tech knew what was going on and just kept a close eye on me, good thing or I may would have passed out. It was so scary and at that time i was so mad Jeff was not with me but I was grateful that he tech and my doctor did such a good job and seeing what was going on. So during this time, the doctor was talking about me and asked if i have felt the baby move, and i said i didn't think so, so this is when they checked my placenta. My placenta is in front and so the baby has to get a lot strong for me to feel her kick. So then I was a lot more relaxed about not feeling her move. 

21 and 22 weeks, belly just keeps getting bigger and so i know she is just growing like a weed. These two weeks have been pretty normal. The start of my 22 week tho was mothers day, and Jeff did good! He got up and made me breakfast, He made me stay in bed although I awake...ish.. He also for mothers day, put in a dishwasher in our apartment. We got the dishwasher for free and Jeff built a cabinet and added it to our kitchen. It looks so good and I am so grateful for that. He is going to be one great handy man, and an amazing Daddy. He is so excited about our little girl! Also on Mothers day we found out that Megs and Sterling are having a baby as well! She is due in november. So Steve and Sydnee go from having no grandbabies to two in one year. We are so excited that our little one is going to have cousins on both sides so close in age. It is going to be so much fun and very excited time. Funny story to go along with this is that megs found out she was pregnant right around the time we told our families we were pregnant. :) :) So funny. 

This 22 week was also big because I have felt the baby move so much! And this time I know its her and not just gas or something. HAHA! It is such an amazing feeling to have her kick and punch me. Although i may not feel that way in a few more months but as of right now, ITS AMAZING. 

So that is about all the updates for now, I hope I can stay on top of this more so it not so much at once every time. :) I hope all have a great day and some good summer vacations to look forward too. I know I Do!

March 24, 2013

Crazy Day! My Life changing experience

March 22 2013!

Oh man! What a Crazy day I had! So it started out great by going and getting my hair cut. I had my day all planned. I was going to go to DSU to sign up for summer classes then go and do some clothes shopping because I can't fit into any of my pants. I usually try but by the end I am just walking around with my button undone and my shirt pulled down so no one can see. Well I did great and make it to hair appointment and Karli did a Great job!!! Then on my way to campus IT HAPPENED!! The worse thing of my life!!! I was going to an intersection and BAM!! They hit me!! I has turning left onto river road and they were coming straight and continuing on Riverside drive and I had a green arrow and they ran the red light!! Yes I got in a Wreck being 15 weeks pregnant! I was freaking out! And it didn't help that I was by myself and Jeff was all the way one the other end of the county in Ivins. So I call him to tell him that I got in a wreck and to come quickly. Nothing with me was hurt or with the Baby thank goodness. No one in the other vehicle got hurt either. It was a mom taking her son to school. I started to freak out now because after I got out and thought about it I could not remember if i had a green arrow or not and I thought it was all my fault, Just something more I need to had to my already full plate. Thank goodness for some good people who were right there with me and saw that we had the green arrow and that I was not at fault. They were so good to talk to me till my family got there. I actually broke down and started to cry and I just hugged this random person but she was so good to allow me to do so. I don't know who this Dad and Daughter were but just real quick I was like to Thank them from the bottom of my heart because if they would not have stopped or been then I probably would have been at fault because I couldn't remember. The cops were also really nice and concerned about my health and the baby! Everyone was really great. So needless to say my planned easy great day was ruined. and my poor baby (Car) Ellie is most likely (BIG MOST LIKELY) not with us anymore. She took a good hard beating to keep me safe.

So with this experience I have been extremely sore and my knees have some cuts and bruises on them from hitting my car in the wreck. Other then keep replaying the stupid accident in my head and worrying about everything I am doing ok. Although it has taken be some long prayers and good hard cries to get me to where I am at today. But thanks to my families and their concern and prayers I believe that I have got better faster. I have such a wonder full family and support group that I don't know what would happen if I lost any of them. I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!

Now I have updated off to study for my boards!!! :)


Here are some pictures of my car after they had towed it away!

March 20, 2013

Big Week

March 20, 2013

14 1/2 Weeks!!! Ya made it to 2nd trimester. We are so excited about this, and that we didn't have to deal with what I have see many of my family and friends go through.. MISCARRIAGE! Ug, what a horrible thing have happen to you and your new little family. I am so very grateful my body was able to handle it but I also feel extremely sorry for that have to experience that. I hope that they all know that if there is anything I can do that i will. With the Baby we don't know the sex for two more weeks so we are very excited to find out and to get things rolling with the baby! Heartburn has set in!! :( ugh no fun. It kills and I hate the texture of Tums but I fight through it to make it help me. *** If anyone may know another great way to relive heartburn, I will take your advice! Yes I have a baby bump now and i can for sure feel my stomach grow, even more when I sneeze it hurt so bad! ALL N ALL Baby and Myself are doing great and growing each and everyday. At our 12 1/2 week appointment the babies heartbeat was 153 so right in the middle so know doing the guess with the heart rate to know the gender.

One another note I AM FINISHED WITH CLINICALS!!! YAYAYA I am so grateful for me experience at Mesa View Regional Hospital. The two years flew by, and I feel that there was probably way more that I could have learn but all in all I feel ready to go and conquer my boards and get a job! I am so excited to get into the medical field and actually work, not just for free ;). But I am also going to more school and getting my Bachelors in Sonography. I am so excited to continue my education in sonography, even though it may be tough with a new baby and all but still totally worth it. I start that program in August if I pass my boards. So yes a lot is riding on my board so I sure hope I PASS! I am still working at Cracker Barrel and I am so grateful for the mangers and employees I work with. They are so understanding and willing to work with my Schedules and help me achieve all that I want in life.

As for Jeff, He is still going working his BUTT off doing plumbing plus going to school with plumbing to get his Journeymen license. I am so grateful for him and all that he is doing for our little family. He is so supportive in all that I do and so willing to help me with all the baby ideas I have. He is for sure the BEST in the world. Sorry ladies you may think you have the best BUT you are wrong. JK!! But He is really great!


March 8, 2013


March 8 2012

Well I am finally updating again and well with some great news! We are having a baby! Yes most of you may know we were not planning this but we have learned that Heavenly Father has a bigger plan and better plan for us that we just all don't see sometimes. So I am 13 weeks tomorrow (Saturday Mar 9) So my Due date will be around Sept 14, 2013. Yes I know, ONE HOT SUMMER COMING MY WAY! ***Just a little side note for those of you who may not know, we will in ST. George UT, and summer are way hot** But I could not be more happy then to carry our first child and a child of our loving heavenly father. We always talk about it in church about how we are chosen to raise our fathers children, but we when were talking about it in Young Women (yes i am in YWs now) It brought tears of joy and fear to my eyes. Its a scary thought that heavenly father is trusting me (ME RaCail Jolley and Jeff Jolley) to raise this children to become a son or daughter of him, to show them love, happiness, help them see right from wrong, etc. Oh wow the pressures but what wonderful blessings.  So we told our families about us being pregnant at about 9 weeks, Well i told my mom from like day one cause i was so nervous and one of my sisters at about 5 weeks because I was so extremely lucky to get the sinus flu/cough that went around and I was unsure of what I could take. We told the Jolley's by Jeff making his mom and dad shirts and we gave it to them on Valentines day! (I will try and post the video of it) but then we just told my family by sending them a picture! Our family could not be more excited for us, I know the Jolley's are extremely excited to have the FIRST grandchild! We love going down and talking about how I have been feeling, names, ideas, etc. All the stuff you normally talk about when having a baby!

I have been feeling just as normal except that I am always tired, and if I don't eat like every three hours then i am really hungry/and a little upset stomach and get kinda inpatient. I have been having lots of headaches, and it does not help that I do a lot of my schooling on a computer and stare at screen a lot for xrays, but other then that I am doing great.  I hate doing dishes, we do not have a dish washer at the home we rent so all the food and yucky stuff just does not make a good combination for much right now so lucky for me I have a wonderful husband that is willing to do them for now but i am sure i will get pay back later! Also, all i want to do is go swimming, It is still a little cold here to go swimming out side and I am not able to get into a hot tub. So ya, swimming, i know kinda weird but its something different that don't usually want to do. Lucky for me summer is going to be hot and Jeff's parents have a pool in their backyard I will be able to go get in everyday!!!!

Cravings have been not so much weird just want more, I have always loved pickles, but when the pregnancy cravings kicked in I just wanted pickles all the time. I crave fruits and veggies. I am always up for my onion rings and fried corn dogs. Also I am not up to doing much cooking, although I do end up cooking I would rather site on that couch and eat cold cereal or Allocate milk and toast. Other then that to me nothing else has changed that I crave but others my tell you differently.

Jeff is extremely excited about the baby! He actually was more excited then me, of course I have been baby hungry for a while and have been super excited to start a family but when I actually became pregnant i got really nervous and stress about schooling and money and raising a kid!!!! Oh the stress of life! But now that we have talked more about it, have warmed up to the idea, made plan and arrangements with our money, I am TOO super EXCITED to be having a baby!!! Jeff has been so good and understand about all the changes I am going through and the more changes that will be coming but I believe deep down he is scared right out of his pants to be a DAD! But boy oh boy is he going to be a great dad! He is so willing to help me and patient with kids. Oh I just don't know how to explain it but he is going to be a great Dad! I don't know how I got so lucky!

Well thats all the updates for now. I will try and do it more weekly since I will be done with some of my schooling in less then two weeks!!