August 13, 2012

Crazy Times -

Wow Life can sure get away from you! Sorry that I have not updated much. I feel that sometimes our life is so much the same work and school and that no fun to keep repeating our self.
So a recap of our lives from the last little bit. My niece Hailey got baptized and my nephew (the only one) turned 12 and well you know what that means he received the aronic priesthood. This made me really sad and realize he is not a little boy anymore. Yes you can say I cried the whole time those two days of the baptism and orientation. I love my nieces and nephew so much. They are the greatest examples to me and I do not know what i would do without them.

We have enjoyed the 4th and 24th of July with both families. We are so grateful for our families and all they do for us. They do so much for us and we do not know where we would be without them.

As for the Summer I would say that we had a pretty great time. We enjoyed growing more closer together and more in love.We enjoyed time with friends and family. We hope that you all had a great time as well. Good luck to all those who will be starting school soon. We love you


April 25, 2012

A Little of this and a Little of that!

Well Hello again, sorry it’s been so long with school and playing wife has got me running around like a crazy lady, but it’s wonderful and I love it. I have finish my second semester of the radiology program and I am loving it. I have received wonderful grades. (Better than I expected) I am still standing at a 3.7 GPA. Not bad eh? So while I have been done with classes that past two weeks I have been able to do something’s I have wanted to do for a very long time. For one thing is to finish getting my house together. I know that it seems crazy that I have lived in this home since the first of December and I am still getting things put up and away, but to be honest with you it’s a lot harder than it looks. With finishing that up I have been a little Chef in the kitchen. I have made frozen dinners as well as cafe rio salads. It was so much fun but man do it take time. And one of the last things I have done that I will be finishing today is our 72 hour kits. Oh man! That was so much easier than I thought, and thank goodness for the Dollar Tree store where everything is a dollar. That is where I was able to get most of the stuff that goes in the kits. It was so much fun doing. The other part that I need to finish is the binder where you copy all of you important documents to have on hand always. This is going to be another fun day I have a filling. The reason I did the 72 hour kits is that in church this month that is all the talks have been on and also we had a RS night on it as well which was very informational and to know that you can either just do it and get it done but they also taught you how you can do it on a budget. This was nice and it probably would have been best for the money to do a little each week but then if any of you really know me you know that I am not that type of girl. I am the girl who is the get it and get it done girl. I don't like to do a little here and a little there. You can as Jeff if this is the real me and he will tell you yes indeed. HAHA. 

As for Jeff's update on his life.... WORK AND SCHOOL. Yep that about sums it up. Haha. He is such a wonderful man and works full time so that I can focus on school and just work the weekends. Not that my schooling allow much of work during the weekdays as it is but still I like to think of that is how it should be for a family and I am grateful he feels the same way about him being the main income. 


Jeff's side. For those of you who know her and love her Jeff's little sis Jaycee is getting MARRIED! She has actually been engaged for some time now but We are all very excited for her. This past Saturday (April 21) We had her bridal shower. She received lots of way cute stuff for their home and supplies they need since they both don't have anything for the home :) So yes another summer wedding for the Jolley family. Another up date that just happened this past Monday was something so scary I don't want to happen ever again and that was our uncle Stephen came to help up with our cooler and get it ready for summer so we are not living in a sweat house and Jeff and I ran to get pizza after meeting our uncle at H.D and he came to our house and got on the roof and the ladder feel before he was all the way and steady on the roof and he feel all the way to the ground. It was horrible. He didn't hit is head or anything and was able to move to get it phone out of his pocket to call Jeff to call an 911. so after a long day for all of us he broke his bottom 3 vertebrae and is most likely going to be laid up for 6 to 8 weeks. He didn't have to have surgery as of right now so we all hope and pray it will stay that way.  
As for my side of the family, My mom, dad and Tera are all doing great after their surgeries. I don't know if i told you about my dad's surgery but it was just a lump that was growing on the back of his neck and he went to the doctor the day before and the next day they took it out. It was pretty fast and now he is better and back to work. And also the mass came back negative, another great thing. So they are all doing well. My nieces and nephew are doing well and grow up fast, My oldest niece try-out for cheer this next week. So good luck to her. We love all of my nieces and nephew and are happy to see them once and a while. and yes poor klel is still the only boy but he has a great cheering section for him when ever he does something. 


(this is for ALEX. Jeff and myself went to an SAA activity last week and we were able to catch up with some of our friends from school. and Alex we like RaCail you need to blog. So shout out to her for getting me to work on our blog)

So that is our update for now. I will try to do better about blogging and updating you all more but with my summer semester starting up this next week we will see how it goes. 



February 23, 2012

Wonderful, Beautiful Life!

        Well this post is about some amazing people in my life right now, First off you all know is my husband. He is amazing and I love him to death but I am going to talk about some other wonderful people in my life, that are such strong amazing examples to me.
        First off is my amazing little niece Tera. She is so Strong. Today this little Seven year old girl had to go in for a second surgery on her mouth. She was born with a cleft lip and has undergone two previous surgeries.  Her last surgery was supposed to maybe be her last if everything went well. It was last year in March that she got it done. She did so well with it all. She was not able to eat any hard food for six weeks. At the time it was us planning my wedding so her six weeks was the weekend of my wedding. So she also was very excited for my wedding but I don't think it was for me. Well about two months ago we found out the some of the graft didn't take and so she would have to go through the same thing she did a year ago. Along with these surgeries she had to be very, very careful while playing and just even walking. She could not get that hit or something my go wrong, and so she is back in the same process she was one year ago. For this reason of why she is such a strong, amazing person in my life is she has been really good about the whole thing and having to do it all again. I know me I would probably be really mad and upset that I had to go it all again. Now don't get me wrong she was a little sad about it but she has done really well now that she knows it would be better for her in the long run. I love you Tera and you are the best example to me.

        Next would have to be this little baby girl in Beaver who, everyday is fighting for her life. Reese! She was born a week and half ago now with a heart condition that would have not been good if they didn't catch it. I don't know all of the details of the heart condition or what she has to go through but I do know that she is a blessing to all of us. She is not close family to me but I feel she is. Every day I am looking at her mom’s facebook to get an update on how she is doing and hoping to hear good news. To be honest, I think everyone is Beaver is. Gotta Love Small towns who love everyone as family. She is a blessing by showing us to not go down without a fight and to keep pushing forward. I feel that if the smallest, not so good heart can do that, why can't we? And another important person with all of this is her parents. I know they can feel our saviors love for them and is helping them through this trial in their lives. They know that the savior is holding on their other little girls hand and helping Reese push on. I wish I could explain more of what I feel for the little girl but I just don't know how to say it but that as I am typing, tears are streaming down my face. To the family of this sweet little girl, know that my little family is praying for her each and every day and are just hoping to help her push through.
        To the last amazing wonderful person in my life right now, my mom! WOW! What to say about your mother. She is an amazing strong woman and would do anything for anyone in the entire world. She is going into her surgery for Total Knee Replacement in the morning. I just want to her and the world to know how much I love her. I don't know where or who I would be without her. She is such a loving person, always trying to do good, serving others, and always being the most independent women I know. So you know that this surgery is not going to be easy for her, always having to have someone wait on her hand and foot. But she will make it through. She is a fighter and will probably heal a lot faster due to her will power :) No Mom you are going to take it slow and easy. I hope that I can be just like my mom and dad when I raise my children. They are strong people in the church and have raised such an amazing family. I know I have some big shoes to grow into but I know it will take time. I LOVE YOU MOM AND DAD! Thanks for everything. I don't know how else to say what there is to say about my mom but that I want to become just like her in everything she does and that I love her so very much, and I am happy she is finally getting this surgery she so badly needed. And that I am happy I can have the job and schooling I am in that I can go home and help her for the first couple of days that she is home.
        As you can see, these people have all had their trails and struggles but are still fighting through and that is why these few are some amazing examples to me in my life right now. I know that they will all fight for their life and strength to come back as well, and they will return the favor for me and many others when the time comes. They are blessed people and I hope that they all know that I love them and would do anything for them. 
Lots of hugs and kisses!



January 30, 2012


Well, its a new year! HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! Sorry it has been forever, yes school is back in session but that is not my excuse because I did not blog hardly at all when school is out. So I will just give you a quick up date and then its back to hitting the book and doing clinical hours but I will try to do better so you can see what is going on in our lives.

Well Jeff is still being the busy main provider for the family. He has such a great attitude about it and to me is very willing to do it.... SOMETIMES. HAHA There are times when I know he wish he could just take a day off and go have a day for himself, he does find time it just sometimes only for a short time with his friends. He is going to school again this semester and doing a great job in school so far. Lets pray we can get him through math :)

As for me i am back at driving to mesquite three days a week to do clinical hours.. It is time consuming but it is so much fun. I love it and i am glad I am doing radiology. I am still really set on going further into ultrasound but i also don't know for sure. I have heard that it is really hard and then it makes you not love it as much.. but we will see what happens. Well last week i had the flu, I thought for once I am not going to get the flu with taking the flu shot but I was wrong. Jeff was so good to help me out anyway that he could. I married the best man out there. Sorry Ladies but I won the best husband!

Last week we also when out on a warm afternoon for being the end of January, and we went on a tandem bike ride. I was so much fun. Here are some of the pics

This past weekend we also went snowboarding with jeff's really good buddy Brian. It was so much fun and good to actually be able to use our season passes to Eagle Point. We love it up there. It is the Old beaver ski resort, Elk Meadows but is now Eagle Point. Its not crowed at all and that nice because usually we have a lot of kids with us. This last time my niece Mickell cam with us. It was nice to have another girl go slow with me so the boys could go fast and try to be cool and do tricks. I only fell a couple of times and it was alot funner now that i am getting better. Even though with my falls I think I Still bruised by tailbone. Oh man it hurts. But so worth it. 
On Sunday Jeff and I had to give our welcome to ward talks. They went really good. We had lots of people come up and talk to us about how well we did. I have to be honest I was pretty proud of myself. My talk was actually ten mins and was talking slow instead of fast, Jeff was even a little surprised on how long i talked and how well I put things together. So i am getting better. Another thing that goes along with Church is that of course we have callings. Jeff is adviser to the Teachers as well as varsity scout assistant.  And as for me.... Get ready for it.... I am the 1st councilor in the primary presidency, WOW HUH? I was thinking oh they will start me off with something small so I can get to know others in the ward.. NOPE I must have children written all over my face. But its good. I am so excited about it and cant wait to get to know all the kids in primary and hopefully their parents as well. I love little children and this will help me to become a better mom I know it will.
Well I think that is all that is new with us. I will try to do better with blogging but i am not making any promise.
All have a good week or so.