March 8, 2013


March 8 2012

Well I am finally updating again and well with some great news! We are having a baby! Yes most of you may know we were not planning this but we have learned that Heavenly Father has a bigger plan and better plan for us that we just all don't see sometimes. So I am 13 weeks tomorrow (Saturday Mar 9) So my Due date will be around Sept 14, 2013. Yes I know, ONE HOT SUMMER COMING MY WAY! ***Just a little side note for those of you who may not know, we will in ST. George UT, and summer are way hot** But I could not be more happy then to carry our first child and a child of our loving heavenly father. We always talk about it in church about how we are chosen to raise our fathers children, but we when were talking about it in Young Women (yes i am in YWs now) It brought tears of joy and fear to my eyes. Its a scary thought that heavenly father is trusting me (ME RaCail Jolley and Jeff Jolley) to raise this children to become a son or daughter of him, to show them love, happiness, help them see right from wrong, etc. Oh wow the pressures but what wonderful blessings.  So we told our families about us being pregnant at about 9 weeks, Well i told my mom from like day one cause i was so nervous and one of my sisters at about 5 weeks because I was so extremely lucky to get the sinus flu/cough that went around and I was unsure of what I could take. We told the Jolley's by Jeff making his mom and dad shirts and we gave it to them on Valentines day! (I will try and post the video of it) but then we just told my family by sending them a picture! Our family could not be more excited for us, I know the Jolley's are extremely excited to have the FIRST grandchild! We love going down and talking about how I have been feeling, names, ideas, etc. All the stuff you normally talk about when having a baby!

I have been feeling just as normal except that I am always tired, and if I don't eat like every three hours then i am really hungry/and a little upset stomach and get kinda inpatient. I have been having lots of headaches, and it does not help that I do a lot of my schooling on a computer and stare at screen a lot for xrays, but other then that I am doing great.  I hate doing dishes, we do not have a dish washer at the home we rent so all the food and yucky stuff just does not make a good combination for much right now so lucky for me I have a wonderful husband that is willing to do them for now but i am sure i will get pay back later! Also, all i want to do is go swimming, It is still a little cold here to go swimming out side and I am not able to get into a hot tub. So ya, swimming, i know kinda weird but its something different that don't usually want to do. Lucky for me summer is going to be hot and Jeff's parents have a pool in their backyard I will be able to go get in everyday!!!!

Cravings have been not so much weird just want more, I have always loved pickles, but when the pregnancy cravings kicked in I just wanted pickles all the time. I crave fruits and veggies. I am always up for my onion rings and fried corn dogs. Also I am not up to doing much cooking, although I do end up cooking I would rather site on that couch and eat cold cereal or Allocate milk and toast. Other then that to me nothing else has changed that I crave but others my tell you differently.

Jeff is extremely excited about the baby! He actually was more excited then me, of course I have been baby hungry for a while and have been super excited to start a family but when I actually became pregnant i got really nervous and stress about schooling and money and raising a kid!!!! Oh the stress of life! But now that we have talked more about it, have warmed up to the idea, made plan and arrangements with our money, I am TOO super EXCITED to be having a baby!!! Jeff has been so good and understand about all the changes I am going through and the more changes that will be coming but I believe deep down he is scared right out of his pants to be a DAD! But boy oh boy is he going to be a great dad! He is so willing to help me and patient with kids. Oh I just don't know how to explain it but he is going to be a great Dad! I don't know how I got so lucky!

Well thats all the updates for now. I will try and do it more weekly since I will be done with some of my schooling in less then two weeks!!