February 16, 2011


Time is a thing that flies :) Haha I swer yesterday was just the first day of Feb. and now it is the 16th and Vday has come and gone. But just a quick up date on things i love. My Parents!! With out them i dont know what i would do! I have already said some about them so i wont repeat much but just how helpful and caring they are not only to me but to those around them as well.
Another love is my Friends and examples they set for me and how i look up to all of them... even those younger then me :) I love you guys! Keep being who you are being and dont ever change.
My Nieces and Nephew are another love! They are so wonderful and keep me on my toes as well as remember to be meek and kind like a child! They are so forgiving and remember that love is the only thing that matters to most. So thanks Kids. I love you so much.
Idk if that was a full 14 things but it was close right.

Just somethings about Vday! I loved it and it was the best valentines day i have ever had! Thanks GEFF!! (Jeff) You are the best! I LOVE YOU

February 7, 2011

5 6 7 8

Haha ok so this is hard to keep up on all the loves of my life right now but just a quick one of the ones i have missed the past four days.
5- My education that i have gained and keep gain is a love for me as well. Because i know what i am doing now will effect what i will do later and how much i will be able to give to one another along with my future children. Even tho it gets hard to stay focus and keep pushing myself I know that I will love and be thankful for it later.
6- Friends... I have a great and big love for my friends. They have been so much help to me in growing and examples. I don't think they realize who they are that have inspired my life but i can pretty much say anybody who knows me and we have grown to become friend, even just classes mates you have helped me. So thanks. Its hard for me to be able to do all the little things I wish i could for you but my big thing is if any one of you is having a hard time and don't know where to turn, call me i am always willing to listen and help.
7- This would have to be student gov. ok i may vent a lot about it but in the end i really do love it . I love being involved and getting the opportunity to know so many more people than I ever thought I would know coming to school. It also has helped to grow for future things and build learning and organization skills prob more now than I ever would have. I really have a great love for all those who i work with as well.
8- This last love would have to be dance. So that is kinda were i got the idea of 5 6 7 8 is cause that is all dancers know how to count too.. haha jk but know I love dancing and the feeling it brings to come to become a new form of myself. I love that i have to body ability to do so as well.

Well that was quick and brief but its kinda all i had time for but i hope it all makes sense. Hope all are doing well... keep smiling.

February 4, 2011


Ok so just a quick update about my loves in my life... ok so i was going to save this one for last but I just cant anymore. My third love is Mr. Jeffrey Steven Jolley!! Ahh he is so amazing and has so many amazing qualities! He is always willing to put his problems aside and help me with mine. He is at my every cry when i am sick, which is alot. He has an amazing testimony and served a faithful mission which helped him grow so much, and helps me grow as well. He is so cute with my little nieces. In fact they are starting to worry more about him then me. Just the other night they were asking Britt if we were going to come and she said no and they were like "well what about jeff, is jeff coming." and thats all they could ask. RUDE HUH? haha jk babe. But really he is amazing with the little ones and is going to be a great father, great leader and example to them in his days to come i can just tell. He is really the best thing that i could ever ask for, along with his family. So i guess you can say these are my two loves for the past two days. The Jolley Family is just so sweet, kind, loving, caring, and a million other different things! Jeff has three sisters and no brothers so I love his family cause me and the girls can always just talk and talk and talk. And they are so sweet, Like sometime i will just get random text from kenzi (the youngest) saying how wonderful she thinks I am and that she is glad i am dating her brother. Jaycee is amazingly sweet as well, just last night why i was at Jeff's church ball game, there mom said we got to go to Jeff's game and RaCail is there and Jaycee was like "oh RaCail is there oh i haven't see her forever or talked to her." This made me really happy cause i knew they like me but this was just like the icing on the cake night! :) So thanks Girl! And the older sister Megan.. Well i don't see her much but when i do she always is happy and has a big smile on her face and it just makes my day. and if i ever call her for anything, whatever i ask she is always willing to help! I better not forget about the parent who brought these amazing people into the world, mainly Jeff :) (Jk) But Oh they are so amazing. Brother Jolley (Steven), I met him one of the very first Sundays in my new YSA ward. (he was in the bishopric), And from the moment He said hello and started talking to me I knew I wanted to get to know him better, so i did at the bon fire night. We got talking about beaver and the cheese of course and the mountain, then along came Jeff to talk to his did and it was History! haha! I knew i was going to be see alot more of Brother Jolley then i even intended. And then there is sweet motherly Sister Jolley! Oh what to say about her, there is just so much. But one thing is when we me and Jeff first started Dating she made me feel so welcome into there home. It was nice. It felt like i had a home away from home (this including family) It was so nice. And now she knows that i am way busy on tues and thrusdays she sends me a lunch along with his. Thanks so much Sydnee! You are the best. And just a big thanks to the Jolley family and Jeff. You are all amazing. And Jeff. I love you so much! This weekend is going to be so fun snowboarding and being with you.. and i promise i will not get frustrated at you. See you soon! Talk to you all later. I hope you as well will have a wonderful weekend. and REMEMBER don't forget to tell the ones you love that you love them :)

February 2, 2011


So i am doing better about updating this! :) But yes its February, and you all know what that means.. time for lots of flowers to be given out, along with choc, some shiny new rings and jewelry, but most of all time to tell those ones you love how much you love them. So My challenge is everyday get on and tell someone that i love them but not just on my blog but to do something special for them. So my first love of yesterday, i guess is because it is the second day of February, but it would be my Savior. He has done so much for me. I am taking an atonement class this semester at the institute and it is so good to just reflect on the savior and his time and what he did to prepare for the atonement alone. I am extremely great full for his willingness and strength he had to suffer all the sins of the world simply because he LOVES US! I hope we all can grow closer to him no matter what life throws at us.
My Second Love would have to be My Family. Without them i would not be who i am today. My older bother and sisters examples have been such a big part of my life and i hope they all know that i can call them for anything and they will be more than will to help me. I guess that is why i am always willing to help others as well. And My mom and dad.. Oh what wonderful people they are. They are strong and courageous and willing to do anything for me. I see how much love they have for one another and it make me look for someone that i feel i can love as longs as my parents have been in love with each other and also there love for others, and the gospel as well. Thanks to my family for all you do. I LOVE YOU
So there are my top to loves and there will be more to come :)