June 27, 2011

Married Life :)

Wow! Time has been crazy :) We have been married almost a whole month now and it just seems like yesterday :). Well to have you all get updated in our lives we are living in hurricane Ut and are all finally moved in to the Colton home for one year. It has been crazy getting everything moved in and getting use to the drive in to St.G for work. Well we are having to time of our lives together. We are seriously just growing closer and closer every single day :) Jeff is just still cleaning pools for JSP and I am currently working at Cracker Barrel. We both love our jobs and know that we are very blessed to have them.
We went on a cruise for our honeymoon with Jeff's sister and her husband. We had so much fun and wished we could have stayed longer but we know we couldn't. We have so much more planned for the summer or i guess you can say stuff is planned for us, like family reunions and the 4 and 24th of july. We hope all have a fabulous time with there families this summer. and we will try to keep you up dated as much as possible

June 1, 2011

Wedding n' Such

Well the wedding day is inching near and I am getting so excited. I cant believe it is here. We are just getting the yard ready for the wedding and finishing up all final touch for the flower and other decorations. I feel bad that my sisters and parents are busy work and being with there families and still doing so much to help out with wedding. Well it will soon be here.. like Saturday!! Ahh i am so excited but nervous. I am going through the temple Friday at 6 and then I will be sealed to my Best Friend for time and all eternity. Ahh, that so amazingly nice to say.

While busy doing the wedding stuff, I started a new job at Cracker Barrel. It is so much fun working there and so much more organized as well as fun. The people are get and make you feel right at home every time. I also think the Jolley's are excited because they love eating there and now have a waiter they can request. :) Which that makes me happy as well.

Well we have the showers and I have receive may things for my future home! Although we are going to be living in my sister in laws parent home why they finish up there mission it is still way exciting to know that someday I will have a place I can decorate and call it OUR HOME! also got lots of baking stuff so i am way excited to get that as well and to have a good time making food for my husband!

I am also preparing to start the Radiology program through Weber in the fall. That is going to be alot of time and studying but it will be good as well. Jeff is being very understanding about it and will be behind me 100 percent to help me with what ever i need.

Well i am off for the night! GOODNIGHT ALL! See you all soon probably :)