May 14, 2013

Pregnancy Updates!

Ok So yes I said I would update more, but I didn't! My bad! I have been busy trying to get my home back in order after being in a intense program for two year. I had let things build up and get out of place and with the baby coming, Hey what not a better time to get things done. I am also starting summer school in a week so I have been taking advantage of my days off, just relaxing, reading books, and enjoying time for myself. (which is probably not the best. More on that later) So for pregnancy updates since I last update I was 15 weeks and had no idea what we were having or anything. Well April 4th 2013 (16.5 Weeks) came around and I was excited all day to find out what our little bundle of joy was going to be. and well.... Drum roll please.... ITS A GIRL! YAY! Yeah i know what most of you are thinking, the Bradshaw girls are having another girl? big surprise huh? But We are so excited to have this little daughter of heavenly father's join our home.  We have a name and everything, we have started buying some outfits, not many cause I will probably get a ton of hand me downs as well lots from family and friends. 

We have also been looking for cribs, and bedding sets. We have found a bedding set that we, ok i, love, and well my amazing brother in law is going to make our crib. I was very nervous about asking him because I didn't want him to feel pressured about making the crib but at the same time I really really wanted one like my sisters. And well like I said, I have an amazing brother in law and he is going to make it!! YAY! oh man it made my day knowing that he would make it and that i know it will be a good quality that will last a life time. :) I am so full of joy and gratitude towards my amazing talented family and that they are all willing to share there talents with us. 

So now up to week 18 and 19. Not much has changed other then me getting a belly. I am a tummy sleeper and so most of you can tell already that I have had a hard time getting to sleep or "comfortable." I think you will have to ask Jeff about that because I think i bother him cause i just sit and toss and turn and toss and turn till i get so tired that i just finally fall asleep.  I had not really felt her move at this point, and my sister said that was normal for us, and it was when I when back to my doctors appointment. The only reason why i was so nervous is that many people kept asking me and I just kept saying not yet and they would seem really surprised. 

Well going to my doctors appointment on May 2,  so about 20 and 1/2 weeks it was our big ultrasound when they do all the measurement and such. This was the first time going by myself because Jeff was unable to take off work and well we need the money so i was ok going by myself. Our little angle was doing great and is growing strong and fast. She was measuring a week ahead and her femur was measuring another week ahead of that. So yes we are probably going to have a tall little girl! This appointment was great until I was laying there and and started to get really dizzy and hot. The ultrasound tech knew what was going on and just kept a close eye on me, good thing or I may would have passed out. It was so scary and at that time i was so mad Jeff was not with me but I was grateful that he tech and my doctor did such a good job and seeing what was going on. So during this time, the doctor was talking about me and asked if i have felt the baby move, and i said i didn't think so, so this is when they checked my placenta. My placenta is in front and so the baby has to get a lot strong for me to feel her kick. So then I was a lot more relaxed about not feeling her move. 

21 and 22 weeks, belly just keeps getting bigger and so i know she is just growing like a weed. These two weeks have been pretty normal. The start of my 22 week tho was mothers day, and Jeff did good! He got up and made me breakfast, He made me stay in bed although I awake...ish.. He also for mothers day, put in a dishwasher in our apartment. We got the dishwasher for free and Jeff built a cabinet and added it to our kitchen. It looks so good and I am so grateful for that. He is going to be one great handy man, and an amazing Daddy. He is so excited about our little girl! Also on Mothers day we found out that Megs and Sterling are having a baby as well! She is due in november. So Steve and Sydnee go from having no grandbabies to two in one year. We are so excited that our little one is going to have cousins on both sides so close in age. It is going to be so much fun and very excited time. Funny story to go along with this is that megs found out she was pregnant right around the time we told our families we were pregnant. :) :) So funny. 

This 22 week was also big because I have felt the baby move so much! And this time I know its her and not just gas or something. HAHA! It is such an amazing feeling to have her kick and punch me. Although i may not feel that way in a few more months but as of right now, ITS AMAZING. 

So that is about all the updates for now, I hope I can stay on top of this more so it not so much at once every time. :) I hope all have a great day and some good summer vacations to look forward too. I know I Do!