November 27, 2010

Extreme Shopping Day

Well!! Day after Thanksgiving shopping... Can you say very hard work BUT so much fun and memories made. My family and I all started it with thursday night at 11 at the Zion Factory Outlet Mall! We all planned out what we needed and where to go from which to another. We hit Wal-mart at Midnight... Mad House.... Oh man it was so crazy and totally funny.. people get so angry and start acting like children if they dont get what they want. After that we headed back to the outlets for a little bit then to stand in the Target and Sears lines for an hour. While we did this my sister nicole stayed at Walmart and stood in line for 5 hours to get an ipod! She is so crazy but a way good trooper! My sister Hilery and Mom went to Sears and got the things we all need there, while me and my sister, Britt, Tricia and my niece Cicely went and stood in line at Target! It was a Massive line! Lucky our cousin Ashley went and stood in line before us and loves us so let us in with her. It was crazy mad house when they opened the door. People where Running.. US TOO!! One funny story that happened in this is our close family friend Tiffney was also going to target and got in before us because her friend bribed this kid in front of the line and she got in and got my sisters movies she needed. But why where we standing in line to check out we let Tiff come in with us and the lady she got in front of in the line before the story opened was standing behind us in the check out line. Haha it was so funny because she was so mad and then she ask my sister where she got these piggy banks and my sister like "right back here, would you like me to go get you one" she was kinda trying to smooth over her being mad haha :)

After that some of my family went to this home decor place and i stood in line at Michael's for my sister Hilery to get something for her. Then we went to K-mart and i feel asleep in the car then went back to my sisters and slept till ten then when i woke up we went to the mall and a couple other stores then headed for home. But before that my family was super nice to do the shopping in St.g that we were going to stop in cedar and do so that Jeff was able to come see me, since he had been rushing all day to be able to come and see me. We still stopped in Cedar at Christensen's to get a couple things we need there. One Story that happened her was my sister had to go by a gift card and she had her Teasi with her and the Phone started ring and the guy waiting on my sister was not answering and my niece was like "hey, your phone is ringing" He said nothing.. then she was like "hey your phone is ringing want me to get it" haha If you know my niece you would know how she said it and could just seeing her say it. It was so cute:)

Well That was the Extreme Shopping day that started at 11 pm and didnt end till 6 pm the next day! It was a wonderful day and full of wonderful memories :)

November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving Day Eve!

Well I am back in Beaver!! It is so good to be home, see all my family and Jeff it is here. It amazing. We got here last night and just have been spending all the time with my family. My sisters, Britt, Kids love Jeff and are always all over him, I hope that it does not wear him out! He is for sure going to get burnt out tho with all coming later tonight and tomorrow.

Today I have put up all my mom Christmas Decorations! Yes before Thanksgiving but hey its done and looks amazing. Jeff went and helped my Brother in law, David, put up his moms light. So He had a pretty eventful day as well. Oh and let me not forget about my Roommates breaking down today on the freeway right out of Beaver. haha It was very funny:) So we had to take them gas and also jump start their car. haha :)

Well right now i am sitting here in my kitchen listening to music, well my best friends todd's recordings, and having my niece lexi singing along with him:) Its so cute:) Todd is now on his mission in Australia and totally loving it.:) We all miss him tho!

Well the rest of the family should be showing up any time now. So i better go.


November 23, 2010


Well I am starting to become a new blogger... KINDA..I had a small one last year with my roommates and My sister Nicole has one and i just think hers is just so cute and fun, I was like i am kinda sick of face book stuff and want to do something new. So yea! So a little about myself first. I am in my second year of college at Dixie State, and loving every min of it. I am just finishing up my third semester and only have probably one left until I get into my program, which is the Radiology Program. I am super excited to get into this program because it been something i have always wanted to do and I have done a lot of volunteering in the program and it just very amazing on how things are advancing so fast.

Well i am very involved here at Dixie! I am a public relations manger on student government! We all just have a fun time and have made some amazing friendships! If you could just see what we all do you would just get a kick out of it :)

Well I have a lot of family! And i am so excited to see all of them and go shopping with all the girls this weekend on black Friday. Have to get the good deals for sure! I have one older brother and three older sisters. (yes I am the baby of the family and i get spoiled all the time:) ) My siblings are all married and have children of their own. I have been a aunt since i was 8 yrs old and now being 20 i have 11 nieces and 1 nephew. I love this kids so much and would do anything for them.

Well I am currently in a relationship at the moment. With the most amazing guy ever! Jeff Jolley. He is from Ivins and we met at one of the FHE night for our ward. (Yes singles wards do pay off) ha ha! He just returned (well about 9 months ago) form serving a LDS Mission in North Carolina. Well we have been dating for about 2 months now and it has been the best two months ever! He is amazingly sweet and always has a surprise up his selves for me. We are spending this thanksgiving together. We are leaving tonight to head to Beaver and spend the next day and half up there then we will leave Thursday afternoon and come back to St.g to spend Thanksgiving evening with his moms family :) I Love his family. He has three sisters. One older and two younger. They are the most beautiful girls ever! and he looks after them so much. He is so protective of them its funny.:) He is great to his mom and dad and respect them and their wishes for him. (p.s his dad is in a YSA ward Bishopric)

Well thats all i got for now. I will be posting some picture soon! Hope you all have a Great Thanksgiving and Happy Holidays to come :)